[WEB-1158] Word: Working with Multipage Documents – Headers and Footers, Page and Section Breaks, Page Numbering (RECORDED WEBINAR) 06-28-23

2 modules


Doug Striker

$124.95 USD


During this webinar participants will learn:

  • how to insert headers and footer that contain text, automatic dates, page numbers, and the document filename with path
  • how to create a different first page header or footer
  • how to insert section breaks to vary the headers and footers and page numbering styles on different pages in a document
  • how to insert more complex page numbers for chapters and appendixes, e.g., A-1
  • how to use the Styleref field to automatically insert a document or section title in the header or footer

Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Achievement

Word - Working with Multipage Documents Webinar 06/28/23
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Word - Working with Multipage Documents Handout/Practice File 06/28/23
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
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