Technology Training for Today's Essential Office Skills

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This webinar will demonstrate how to link styles to multi-level numbering to efficiently number the headings in a document. Different styles of numbering will be discussed, including numbering chapters and appendices. Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

This webinar will cover creating and manipulating graphics in a Word document. Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

Microsoft Word fields are placeholders that store and display data. They perform simple tasks, such as returning the current date or current page number, but can also be used to ask questions, make decisions based on specific conditions, and perform calculations. This webinar provide you with ten useful tips for using fields in your documents. Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

In this webinar participants will learn how to make legal document creation faster, easier, and more accurate using these tips and tricks: • unformatted copy/paste • using templates • using built-in styles • using the Navigation Pane • using Quick Parts • customizing AutoCorrect to recognize legal terms • using built-in shortcut keys • customizing the Quick Access Toolbar • comparing two versions of a document (legal blackline) • combining revisions from multiple authors into a single document • removing metadata Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

This webinar will demonstrate how to create an electronic expense form from an existing Word document that can be emailed to someone for completion. Using the Developer tab, the participants will learn how to create content controls for different types of information, such as text, dates, yes or no questions, and calculations. This will make it easier to know what type of information should be filled in, and it also helps ensure all of the information submitted is formatted the same way. Participants will also learn how to add an Submit button to email the form when it is completed. Creating and adding electronic signatures will also be demonstrated. Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

Sequence fields are used to create inline numbered lists in a Word document (numbers within the text and not at the left margin). They can also be used for autonumbering RFPs, RFAs, and Interrogatories in a discovery, as well as exhibits and appendices. This webinar will demonstrate how to automate the insertion and updating of sequence fields in these scenarios. Please plan to dedicate approximately 60 minutes to view this webinar. Read more

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